Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School students share costumes

Red Ribbon Week

Say NO to drugs! Red Ribbon week inspires our youth to happy, brave, active and drug free!

During the week of October 23-31, the students pledged to live their life drug free with the following events.

23- Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free
24- Be Kind – write a kind note to somone you don’t usually talk to.
25- Wear your red uniform collared shirt for mass
26- Challenge yourself! Eat extra fruit and vegetables
27- No School!
30- Red Ribbon Week Rally & Dress Down theme: Superhero!
31- Exercise! Spend extra time outside.

The Red Ribbon Week Rally, organized by the Student Council, was enjoyed by all the students. They participated in a scooter obstacle course, Red Light – Green LIght and a Crab/Monkey relay race. What a great way to start the week!

Be a Super Hero and be Drug Free!

Learn more about what is happening at our school in the Lourdes Letter school news for November 1 available here.