Faith Life
Faith Integration

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School’s mission statement focuses on the idea of creating Catholic leaders for future generations. Our faith integration begins with All-School Masses each week. We expand that with Stations of the Cross during Lent, First Friday Adoration, and Advent and Lenten Confessions.
Our faith is integrated in each subject that we teach. Religion studies move into our social studies unit, science unit and also math. Religion is taught daily in all grade levels. Our Lady of Lourdes students take turns in planning and leading our school Masses by participating as altar servers and lecters, and being in the church choir.
Service is also a big part of our religion curriculum. Several times during the school year, our students get out into the community and work as volunteers for several area organizations. Our middle school students are required to serve 15 hours outside of school as volunteers. We are proud to be creating the Catholic leaders of tomorrow.