
Family Involvement


Our Lady of Lourdes promote a variety of fundraisers to support our school. Fundraising at Our Lady of Lourdes serves two purposes. First, a specific amount of our fundraising supports our school operating budget. Those funds impact the educational experience for our students. Secondly, our fundraising events help build a strong sense of community of learners, students, parents, staff, and administration. 

Listed below you will find an overview of the OLOL scheduled fundraisers. We hope that you are able to participate in many of the fun activities we have planned. With these fundraisers comes the opportunity to volunteer and complete your required TSF hours.

Light Up Lourdes

Light Up Lourdes is OLOL’s main fundraiser. It generates about half of our total fundraising efforts each year. It has traditionally been held in the fall at different venues around town. The Light Up Lourdes evening has hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, entertainment, silent and oral auction items.  

Each family needs to commit 2 of their TSF hours to this fundraiser. Volunteers are needed to support the planning of this event, and there are a number of volunteer opportunities available: participation on (and/or leadership of) various planning committees, help with set-up the week of the event, staffing/supporting areas the night of the event, and clean-up.


Green Bay Distillery Packer Parking

Parents and middle school students can volunteer to help park cars at the Green Bay Distillery during events at Lambeau Field (mostly Packer Games). The Green Bay Distillery generously donates a portion of the parking proceeds to OLOL.

Four volunteers are needed for each home Packer Game to help park cars at the Green Bay Distillery. The time commitment is 4-5 hours before each game. Your shift will end when the lot is full or the national anthem starts.

Trivia Night

This team-oriented fundraiser is held in the spring and gives OLOL families an opportunity to show what they know. During the event, adult teams participate in 8 interactive rounds of trivia questions in various categories. Not only geared for trivia experts, the night also includes music, other activities, raffles, and fun that can be enjoyed by all.

You can help support this event by getting a group together to purchase a table or volunteer behind the scenes before the event or assisting at the event.

2024 Trivia Night brochure (Sign up your team!)

OLOL Lenten Dinner and Kiddie Carnival

Each year OLOL Catholic School hosts a fish dinner for the OLOL Parish and De Pere community. It is held on a Friday during Lent and is usually coordinated with the kiddie carnival. The Lenten Fish Fry dinner is served in the school cafeteria.

Volunteers are needed to coordinate and plan for the event, in addition to the night of the event.

Seroogy Sale

We typically have two Seroogy sales during the school year; November in time for Christmas and March, in time for Easter.  

Order forms that are sent home with the children to share with families, neighbors, and/or friends to order candy and/or seasonal items.

Volunteers are needed to coordinate the order forms, place order with the Seroogy’s, and distribute the candy when orders are filled.

Parish Picnic – Children’s Games

The Parish Picnic is a fundraiser for the parish. During a Sunday in May, a number of activities, events, games, raffles, and food transform the parish grounds into a carnival like atmosphere. The school participates and supports the Parish Picnic by running the children games and activities. The profits from this area benefit the school fundraising efforts.

Review the below grid for general timelines for when scheduled TSF opportunities occur. This table is not all-inclusive and other opportunities to earn hours will arise throughout the school year.

2024 Fundraisers

Blaise J. Peters Scholarship Fund Contribution Opportunities

The Rev. Blaise J. Peters Scholarship Fund was established in honor and recognition of our former pastor, Rev. Blaise Peters, who spent 25 years with us. It is significant that the scholarship fund was established for the purpose of perpetuating the operation of the school, one that he loved and supported. Since the program’s inception, the Blaise J. Peters Scholarship Fund has assisted over 485 Our Lady of Lourdes students, distributing more than $272,585 in scholarships.

A challenging economy and rising costs for education have created an even greater demand for this scholarship fund, and this program needs your help. All tax-deductible contributions offered to the Rev. Blaise J. Peters Scholarship Fund will support Catholic education and enable Our Lady of Lourdes Parish to continue to provide school families with a valuable resource for tuition assistance. Together we can achieve our mission of developing lifelong learners and leaders within a strong tradition of faith, service and academic excellence.

We promote the development of lifelong learners and leaders with a strong tradition of faith, service and academic excellence.

We value the gifts that friends of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School can provide, whether it’s their time, talent or treasure to help us continue our important mission in education.

Support our Catholic Education Ministry

Donations of cash, check or credit card are accepted at the school office, 1305 Lourdes Avenue, De Pere, WI, 54115, or at the GRACE Administrative Office, 1822 Riverside Drive, Green Bay, WI, 54301.