Service Hours Tracking

Family Involvement

Service Hours Tracking

Third Source Funding (TSF) is a way for our school to meet its financial goals as well as encourage families to get involved with their children’s education. By parents contributing their time to the school’s activities and events, we have been able to create a closer and more interactive school community while offsetting expenses that help keep tuition affordable.

What are examples of qualifying TSF hours?

  • Light Up Lourdes roles outlined in the LUL Sign Up Genius
  • Lunch/playground supervision
  • SCRIP processing and delivery
  • Assisting with OLOL’s Packer Parking at GB Distillery
  • Planning, leading, or volunteering for all-school events (Harvesting Faith Family Night, Muffins for Mom, Donuts for Dad, Grandparents Day, Family Dance, Trivia Night, etc)
  • Library helper
  • Being a Mentor Parent for the grade/classroom
  • Volunteering for the OLOL Parish Picnic games

What DOES NOT qualify for TSF hours?

  • Chaperoning field trips
  • Volunteering for athletic events (these instead count toward Athletic Volunteer Hours)
  • Helping/engaging in the classroom (such as organizing/hosting Kindergarten’s Boo Bash activities, cutting materials for the teacher, donating items for class parties)
  • Baking of goods for a school fundraiser

Where do I submit my hours?

Do I need to enter each day or event of volunteering separately?

No. You can chunk related TSF hours and enter them together. For example:

  • You could do just 1 entry for all lunch duties volunteered, list the dates, and enter total lunch supervision hours
  • You could do just 1 entry for both LUL solicitations and LUL cleanup, list the dates, and enter total hours for both together

Can I wait till the end of the year to enter my hours all at once?

  • Please try to submit your hours as you complete them
  • Required LUL TSF hours should be submitted by December 1 each year to prevent being billed mid-year. LUL hours will be billed out no later than January 15.  All other TSF hours should be submitted by May 31 each year to prevent end-of-school year billing.

TSF Volunteer Opportunities

Enter your volunteer hours on this TSF Tracking Form to meet your service hours requirement. Status reports will be provided throughout the school year.

Preschool TSF hour commitment

Preschool families with no children in grades K-8 have a TSF commitment of 5 hours. It is to be recommended, but not required, that parents with only 3K and 4K students in the school complete 5 TSF hours.

Note: TSF hour contracts are subject to change annually. 

K-8 TSF hour commitment

  • 1 child family (K-8) = 15 hours
  • 2 child family (K-8) = 20 hours
  • 3+ child family (K-8) = 25 hours

Families with children in K-8 and the Preschool program will only be required to fulfill hours for the child/children in grades K-8.

Unfulfilled TSF hours will be billed at a rate of $25 up to family’s commitment. The charge for remaining hours will be treated as delinquent tuition.

Any questions regarding TSF hour eligibility of a certain program, service or activity should be directed to the Site Advisory Council or Principal.