PowerSchool is a secure web-based Student Information System (SIS) that provides real-time information for parents and students using the Internet.
PowerSchool allows parents to:
- Access real-time student performance data
- Communicate with teachers
- Track assignments and attendance
- School bulletin announcements are available
- View attendance records
- Monitor lunch balance and transactions
Acessing PowerSchool
Information on PowerSchool can be viewed on any computer with internet access located at home, work, library or at our school. If you do not have access to the internet and would like to view this information, please contact the school office.
Each parent is supplied the following materials to grant and support your use of PowerSchool.
- Authorization codes are supplied for each student
- PowerSchool reference material
- Already a user? Login Now
Handheld Devices
Download the PowerSchool application from Pearson Software. The district app code is MNJQ.
Reference Materials
Items to Consider
- Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers or school staff via e-mail or telephone regarding any questions or concerns about the information available online.
- Please be patient when waiting for grades to be submitted. It is not realistic to expect teachers to enter grades the same day an assignment was due. Grades will be posted as soon as the teacher’s schedule allows.
- Changes in your child’s grade may seem to occur rapidly. The grade book instantly recalculates the overall grade based on every assignment entered. Please check the course and assignment notes or email your child’s teacher if you have concerns.
- Teachers use different grading techniques, policies and codes. Please check with the teacher if you are unsure of the grading policy or if a code is unclear.
- Additional information regarding the course and assignment notes can be obtained by clicking on the information highlighted in blue.
Grading Scales
The grades earned by students reflected in PowerSchool utilize the Green Bay Diocesan Grade Scales.
District Primary 2 Grade Scale
District Intermediate Grade Scale
District Middle School Grade Scale
More Information
More information on PowerSchool can be found on the GRACE website here.