Tuition Assistance
The following resources are available at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School for tuition assistance. More information on scholarships, tuition assistance or contribution opportunities can be obtained through the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family office at (920) 336-4033.
Blaise J. Peters Scholarship
Sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family, this scholarship provides financial assistance to families with children attending Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. Families must complete an application along with an explanation of why there is a need for assistance. Applications are reviewed and scholarships are awarded based on information provided. Scholarship applications and money awarded is strictly confidential.
The 2025-2026 Blaise J. Peters Scholarship form is available here.
St. Dominic Savio Scholarship
Sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family, this scholarship was established in 2012 to provide financial assistance to families with children attending Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. Families submit a one-page essay based on scholarship questions. The scholarship is faith-based, independent of financial need. Application submissions and essays are to be submitted to the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family office.
The 2025-2026 St. Dominic Savio Scholarship form is available here.
GRACE Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance is available through GRACE to families with children in grades K-8. Families can apply for assistance at the time of enrollment.
The Scrip Tuition Reduction Program offers families the opportunity to offset a portion of their child’s educational fees by simply purchasing gift cards/certificates. It costs nothing to participate, and a percentage of the profits can be applied to outstanding educational fees. This opportunity to lower your tuition through purchasing gift cards is now available for Our Lady of Lourdes as well when you purchase at Our Lady of Lourdes. Additional information regarding our SCRIP program is available here.