Feast Day of St. Isidore

During the school year, we have been learning about various saints. During the month of November, we learned about many saints and each student identified saints ‘among us’. Some of these saints were recognized during our school masses during the month of November.

Today’s school mass, Fr. Jim’s lesson was to understand that there are many saints and often there are saints with the same name. While today is the feast day of St. Isidore, did you know that there is more than one St. Isidore? Today’s feast day, is St. Isidore the patron saint of farmers and rural communities. During the month of May, it is common practice for farmers, their farm equipment and seeds to be blessed along with prayers for a successful growing season. In the dairy state of Wisconsin, it is common practice for a mass to be held in the Diocese of Green Bay for the farmers in the community.

We also learned that there is another St. Isidore, whose feast day is April 4. He is known for making Spain a center of culture and learning. He was sometimes called “The Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages” because the encyclopedia he wrote was used as a textbook for nine centuries. He also wrote books on grammar, astronomy, geography, history, and biography as well as theology. Some consider him to be the most learned man of his time, thus why St. Isidore of Seville was named the patron saint of the Internet.

At Our Lady of Lourdes, we have integrated St. Isidore of Seville in our school/parish community. For 22 years, a Packer Party fundraiser is held to support technology expenses for the school. When GRACE was established in 2011, the event continued to fund technology for the Our Lady of Lourdes campus with the St. Isidore of Seville fund being established (Patron saint of technology).  With this fund, technology in school is for the extras, beyond what GRACE provides.  Technology for the parish has included the gathering space message board, cameras/livestream, door/camera security, WIFI for the church and parish office. 

Due to the continued success of this event and successful management of the St. Isidore of Seville funds, this annual fundraiser also supports our local community as Our Lady of Lourdes.  This year’s recipients were:

  • West De Pere Soccer and Baseball teams (they assist on the day of event)
  • Bigger than the Trail -and- NAMI
  • DPCO (Food Pantry, Christmas Store)
  • Freedom House
  • Syble Hopp
  • Ecumenical Partnership Housing
  • Brown County – Shop with a Cop
  • Christmas Wish Warmth
  • Special Education RE program
  • De Pere Fire/Rescue – Shop for Christmas
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace
  • Disabled American Veterans
  • St Vincent De Paul – OLOL group
  • OLOL Church decorating team

This year, the Packer Party fundraiser agreed on another donation.  They wanted to do something special for our faculty/staff, for their commitment to OLOL School and the children they serve. A gift was provided to faculty/staff at the end of the school mass.

Learn more about what is happening at our school, in the Lourdes Letter school news for May 15, available here.