June 25, 2021
Dear OLOL Families,
I hope that your children and family are enjoying the first couple of weeks of summer vacation. We have been busy this month reviewing the past school year and planning for the 2021-2022 school year. I wanted to provide you with a brief update.
Mrs. Lori Hendricks has accepted the administrative assistant position at OLOL. She brings a wealth of knowledge from the private sector and I am excited to have her join our team. Mrs. Hendricks has three daughters who attended OLOL and her grandson currently attends OLOL Catholic School. Please welcome Mrs. Hendricks when calling or visiting the school office.
The first floor remodeling is progressing quite quickly. The new hallway ceiling tiles and lights are about 50% complete. A majority of the classrooms have been painted. It is a bit messy in school now, but you will be impressed in late summer.
Time was spent doing a deep dive into our MAPS scores and I came away really impressed with our spring scores. We compared our spring MAPS RIT scores and our average RIT score for grade 1-7 to the national average. In math, reading, and language, OLOL’s average RIT score was higher than the national next grade level RIT score in 3 out of 7 grade levels. An example, OLOL’s 4th grade RIT math score was higher than the national 5th grade RIT score. This occurred in slightly less than half of our grades. This is an outstanding outcome! Thank you for the part you played in our students achieving these impressive scores. I couldn’t be prouder of our students and teachers.
As we prepare for the new school year, we have a team creating an academic schedule for our students. It is still a work in progress but I am excited about some of the different approaches to how we can teach our standards and benchmarks. I think it will improve engagement for both teachers and students.
Your feedback from the GRACE and SAC survey was reviewed. I am working on integrating some changes based on your feedback. You will see these changes in fall.
Summer has just started, but we would like you to SAVE the DATE for the following events. .
- Thursday, August 19th ~ 6:30-7:30PM – New Family Orientation (all kindergarten and preschool families as well as any other OLOL families, new to our school, are asked to attend).
- Monday, August 23rd ~ 4:00-6:30PM – Back-to-School Night (Students bring their school materials and get their school picture taken). Grades: 4 year-old preschool, Kindergarten thru 8th grade
- Wednesday, August 25th ~ 12:30-2:00PM – 5th grade orientation (5th grade students will spend time getting acclimated to middle school).
- Thursday, August 26th – 1st day of school for kindergarten – 8th grade
- Monday, August 30th – 1st day of school for 4 year-old preschool
- Tuesday, August 31st – 1st day of school for 3 year-old preschool.
The OLOL school office will be closed the week of July 5th-9th.
“Summertime is always the best of what might be” – Charles Bowden
The Lourdes Way,
Jeffrey Young – Principal