Adult Trivia Night

Join us for the 15th Annual Our Lady of Lourdes Trivia Night

Friday, Feb 21, 2025 ~ 7:00-10:00PM (Doors open at 6:30PM)

Green Bay Distillery 835 Mike McCarthy Way Green Bay, WI 54304

Trivia Night is an exciting, interactive trivia contest played in teams of eight people.

Teams compete in six rounds of trivia, with varying topics and subjects for everyone.

The fun doesn’t stop there… In addition to trivia, the evening features two 50/50 raffles, intermission contests, and a prize for the best themed table. Beverages and appetizers will also be available to make this an enjoyable evening for everyone.

Trivia Night is open to all adults, so invite your family, friends and neighbors for a friendly evening of fun and competition!

Trivia Night Features:

  • 6 rounds of trivia questions
  • Mulligans to “buy” your team a correct answer
  • Two 50/50 raffles
  • Heads or Tails contest
  • Best themed table contest

2025 Trivia Night is hosted by: A Couple Rocks Trivia

Trivia is not the only competition of the evening… Get your creative juices flowing by picking a team name and participating in the best table theme contest.

Each team is invited to decorate their table, wear theme-related costumes, bring props, and do whatever else you can think of to incorporate your theme. Prizes are awarded to the best themed table!

What to Bring:

  • Your brain filled with trivia answers
  • Friends and family to support Our Lady of Lourdes School
  • Cash for:
    • Beverages and appetizers
    • Mulligans
    • Intermission contests
    • 50/50 raffles

Absolutely NO CARRY-INS

Team registration: 1 table of 8 – $240

SIgnup individually to be added to a team for $30 per person. Teams will be created as individuals or as partial teams register.

Signup here:

Learn more about what is happening at our school, in the Lourdes Letter school news for January 29, available here.

In addition to the Lourdes Letter, we also share information about our school on social media. We encourage you to like/follow us on Facebook.