How wonderful during the month of December we have two feast days for the Virgin Mother. On Friday, December 8 we gathered for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is unique in all humanity for being born without sin, she is held up by the Church as a model for all humanity in Her holiness and Her purity in her willingness to accept the plan of God for her.
During our school mass on Wednesday, December 13, we gathered for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is officially on December 12.
In our Spanish classes, the students learn about the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego. Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego and asked him to build a shrine for those who believe. While Juan’s story was doubted of his encounter, he gathered flowers under the direction of Our Lady and when presented to the bishop, the Virgin Mary’s image appeared on his Tilma.
As we prepared for today’s mass, the students processed through the school hallways being led by Juan Diego, who collected flowers from each classroom on his Tilma. Every student carried a candle and presented to Our Lady in church. The lit candle signifies the wish they want to make to Our Lady.
Today’s mass for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe was a combination of English and Spanish speaking with our middle school students leading our students and parishioners with the responses in Spanish. A wonderful opportunity for students to share what they have learned and for Fr. James Baraniak, O.Praem to utilize his Spanish speaking skills, too.
Learn more about what is happening at our school, in the Lourdes Letter school news for December 13 , available here.